How Artificial Grass From SYNLawn Chesapeake Bay is a Safer Option for Families with Children and Pets in Virginia, Maryland, and Washington DC

family playing on artificial grass lawn

With advanced technology and high-quality materials, artificial grass from SYNLawn Chesapeake Bay offers a safer, cleaner, and more reliable option for families in Virginia, Maryland, and Washington DC. When it comes to maintaining a safer and more beautiful outdoor space for your family, nothing beats the versatility and benefits of artificial turf. At SYNLawn Chesapeake Bay, our team provides a range of artificial grass products that are designed to be safer for families, especially for children and pets. Learn more:

Safety First: The Benefits of Artificial Grass

Artificial grass has evolved significantly over the years, offering numerous advantages over traditional turf. One of the primary benefits is greater safety. SYNLawn Chesapeake Bay has engineered our top-quality synthetic grass to help address many of the common safety concerns associated with regular lawns. Here is how:

child on artificial grass lawn

Non-Toxic and Allergen-Free

Conventional grass can harbor a variety of allergens, pests, and chemicals from fertilizers and pesticides. Our artificial turf, on the other hand, is non-toxic and allergen-free. This means that families can enjoy their outdoor spaces in Maryland, Virginia, or Washington DC without worrying as much about allergic reactions or exposure to harmful chemicals.

family artificial grass lawn

Even Surface and Soft Padding

One of the main safety concerns with traditional grass is its uneven surface, which can cause trips and falls. At SYNLawn Chesapeake Bay, our artificial grass provides a consistent, even surface that helps reduce the risk of accidents for families. Additionally, our specially engineered playground turf offers extra padding to help cushion falls, making it an ideal choice for play areas for homes, businesses, schools, parks, and more.

Safer Playgrounds with Artificial Playground Grass From SYNLawn Chesapeake Bay

Children love to play outside, but conventional turf can pose several hazards. SYNLawn Chesapeake Bay offers specialized artificial playground turf that prioritizes safety, which aids in ensuring that children have a secure environment to play. Here are some of the ways this turf makes playgrounds safer:

family playing on artificial grass lawn

Slip Resistance

Regular grass can become slippery when wet, increasing the risk of slips and falls. At SYNLawn Chesapeake Bay, our artificial playground turf is designed to provide excellent traction, even in wet conditions. This slip-resistant surface helps keep children safer during playtime, regardless of the weather.

child on artificial grass lawn

Impact Absorption

Falls are inevitable in any play area, but the impact can be significantly reduced with the right surface. Our synthetic playground turf features an advanced shock-absorbing underlayer that helps cushion falls, reducing the risk of potentially serious injuries. This impact absorption meets ASTM standards for playground safety, providing parents with greater peace of mind.

Durability and Cleanliness

Play areas see a lot of wear and tear, but our playground turf is built to withstand heavy use. Unlike traditional turf, which can become muddy and uneven, our synthetic alternative remains consistent and clean. This durability assists in ensuring that children have a reliable and hygienic surface to play on year-round in Virginia, Maryland, and Washington DC.

Safer Spaces for Pets with Artificial Dog and Pet Grass

For pet owners in the Chesapeake Bay area, maintaining a safe and clean outdoor space can be challenging. Thankfully, at SYNLawn Chesapeake Bay, our team offers artificial dog and pet turf that addresses these concerns, providing a safer environment for pets to play and relax. Here is how our artificial grass benefits pets and their owners in the area:

Easy to Clean and Maintain

One of the biggest challenges of having pets is keeping the yard clean. Conventional grass can become muddy and difficult to clean, especially in areas where pets frequently relieve themselves. Fortunately, our artificial pet grass is designed with drainage systems that allow urine to pass through easily, which aids in preventing the buildup of odors and bacteria. Solid waste is easy to pick up, and our turf can be rinsed clean with water, making maintenance more of a breeze.

family on artificial grass lawn
pet and child artificial grass lawn

Resistant to Wear and Tear

Pets can be tough on regular grass, digging holes and creating worn-out patches. At SYNLawn Chesapeake Bay, our artificial pet grass is highly durable, with strong fibers that can withstand heavy use. This durability helps ensure that your yard remains green and lush, providing a more comfortable and safer space for pets to play.

Non-Toxic and Pet-Friendly

Our artificial dog and pet grass is manufactured PFAS-free and made from non-toxic materials, helping to ensure that it is safer for pets. This is particularly important for dogs that like to chew or dig, as they are less likely to be exposed to harmful chemicals or allergens on our turf.

Environmentally Friendly and Sustainable

In addition to safety, the artificial grass products from SYNLawn Chesapeake Bay are also environmentally friendly. Our turf is made from sustainable materials and helps conserve water, reducing the environmental impact of maintaining a traditional lawn. 

Maintaining a natural lawn requires significant amounts of water, especially during the hot summer months. Our artificial alternative eliminates the need for watering, helping homeowners conserve water and reduce their utility bills. This is particularly beneficial in areas prone to drought or water restrictions. With SYNLawn artificial grass, there is also no need for chemicals,  like fertilizers, pesticides, and herbicides, for the surface to stay green and healthy, resulting in a safer and more eco-friendly yard. You can also eliminate the use of lawnmowers and other gas-powered lawn equipment that contribute to carbon emissions, reducing your carbon footprint.

residential artificial grass lawn
mother and child on artificial grass lawn

Choose Professional Artificial Grass Installation to Help Ensure Safety and Reliability

Families in Virginia, Maryland, and Washington DC should choose SYNLawn Chesapeake Bay for artificial grass installation due to our commitment to safety, quality, and sustainability. Our artificial grass is non-toxic and allergen-free, providing a healthier environment for children and pets. Our specialized playground turf features advanced shock absorption and slip resistance, ensuring safer play areas for kids. Plus, pet owners can appreciate our easy-to-clean, durable pet grass that withstands heavy use and resists odors.
With a realistic look and feel, our artificial turf options for families help enhance the beauty of any outdoor space while requiring minimal maintenance. The versatility of our offerings allow families to create customized, year-round green spaces that are both functional and aesthetically pleasing. And, by pairing these products with our professional installation services, our team can help ensure that our lawns, landscapes, or playgrounds are equipped to provide greater safety and reliability for years to come.

residential artificial grass lawn

Contact Us Today for Details on Our Artificial Grass Options for Families!

At SYNLawn Chesapeake Bay, our artificial grass products offer a safer, cleaner, and more sustainable alternative to conventional grass for families in Virginia, Maryland, and Washington DC. From our specialized playground turf that prioritizes children’s safety to our durable and pet-friendly artificial pet grass, our team provides solutions that cater to the unique needs of each household. By choosing our synthetic turf, homeowners can enjoy a beautiful, low-maintenance yard that is safer for their loved ones and kind to the environment. Whether you are looking to create a safer play area for your children, a cleaner and more durable space for your pets, or simply want to enhance the aesthetic appeal of your home, SYNLawn Chesapeake Bay has the artificial turf for you.
Learn more by contacting us today!

Safer Play Areas are Possible with Artificial Playground Turf in Chesapeake Bay

Safer playgrounds and play areas are possible and attainable in Virginia, Maryland, and Washington DC with artificial playground turf from SYNLawn Chesapeake Bay. Our team understands that playgrounds are an essential part of childhood, offering children a safer and more stimulating environment to develop their physical, social, and cognitive skills. However, ensuring the safety of these play areas is of utmost importance. That is where artificial playground turf from SYNLawn Chesapeake Bay comes in. It can provide a safer alternative, offering numerous benefits for children and peace of mind for parents and caregivers in Chesapeake Bay communities across Virginia, Maryland, and Washington D.C.

Cushioned Surface for Impact Absorption

One of the key advantages of our artificial playground turf is its ability to provide a cushioned surface, reducing the risk of injuries from falls. At SYNLawn Chesapeake Bay, our synthetic playground grass is engineered with advanced technology that incorporates shock-absorbing properties, ensuring a softer landing and helping to minimize the impact on children’s joints and bones. This feature significantly reduces the severity of injuries, making it ideal for high-activity areas such as swings, slides, and climbing structures.

Artificial grass playground installed by SYNLawn

Enhanced Traction and Slip Resistance

Safety on the playground also includes preventing slips and falls. Artificial playground grass from SYNLawn Chesapeake Bay is designed with a textured surface that offers excellent traction, even in wet conditions. This feature helps to minimize the risk of accidents caused by slipping, allowing children to run, jump, and play with confidence. By providing a secure footing, our artificial playground turf ensures an overall safer play environment.

Consistent Surface Quality

Conventional grass can wear down over time, leading to uneven surfaces and tripping hazards. On the other hand, our synthetic playground turf maintains a consistent surface quality, ensuring a safer and more even play area. With its durable construction and ability to withstand heavy foot traffic, our turf remains level and intact, eliminating the risk of unexpected bumps or depressions that could cause accidents.

Allergy-Free and Hygienic

Many children suffer from allergies or sensitivities to grass and pollen. Fortunately, our artificial playground turf helps to eliminate the risk of allergic reactions, providing a safer and more comfortable play space for all children. Additionally, our turf is designed to be easily cleaned and maintained, reducing the presence of dirt, debris, and harmful bacteria. This feature promotes a hygienic environment, minimizing the chances of infections, illnesses, and allergic reactions. 

Heat Reduction

Exposure to heat and especially hot surfaces can be a concern, especially during outdoor play in the summertime. At SYNLawn Chesapeake Bay, our artificial playground grass is built with inhibitors that can effectively help reflect heat, preventing the surface from becoming excessively hot. This feature helps ensure that children can enjoy their playtime comfortably, even on warm, sunny days.

Environmentally Friendly Solution

At SYNLawn Chesapeake Bay, our team takes pride in offering environmentally friendly solutions. Thankfully, our synthetic playground turf is made from recyclable materials and is free from harmful chemicals, such as lead and heavy metals. By choosing our playground turf, you not only provide a safer play area for children but also contribute to a more sustainable future.

Contact Us Today to Get a Quote for Playground Turf!

When it comes to creating safer play areas, artificial playground turf from SYNLawn Chesapeake Bay is a fantastic choice for properties in Virginia, Maryland, and Washington D.C. With its cushioned surface, enhanced traction, and consistent quality, our playground turf provides a secure environment for children to play and explore. Furthermore, its allergy-free, hygienic nature, along with heat reduction features, helps ensure the well-being of children during outdoor activities. By opting for our artificial playground turf, you can create an inviting but safer space where children can thrive, learn, and make cherished memories.

Contact us today to learn more about our synthetic playground grass and get a quote for your home, business, school, or park in Chesapeake Bay!

SYNLawn Chesapeake Bay Fulfills an Artificial Grass Wish for the Make-A-Wish Foundation

At SYNLawn Chesapeake Bay, our team not only supplies and installs high-quality artificial grass, but we also do what we can to help others, especially our neighbors in Maryland, Washington D.C., and Virginia. Recently, we had the opportunity to fulfill a very important wish from Rohan, who is part of the Make-A-Wish program from the Make-A-Wish Foundation. Along with some assistance from Brock USA, Aggtrans, Bowen’s Farm Supply, USGreentech, and Rental Works of Maryland, SYNLawn Chesapeake was able to provide Rohan and his family with a soft and even artificial turf backyard, making Rohan’s wish come true. 

The Make-A-Wish Foundation 

The Make-A-Wish Foundation was founded in April of 1980. It is a nonprofit organization operating in nearly 50 countries around the world but primarily in the United States. The purpose of this nonprofit is to fulfill the wishes of children who have been diagnosed with critical illnesses. 

Most of the wishes the organization receives fall into one of five categories:  

“I wish to go…”
“I wish to be…”
“I wish to meet…”
“I wish to have…”
“I wish to give…”

Rohan playing with his family on the artificial grass make a wish project

The Make-A-Wish Foundation takes a child’s wish into consideration along with guidance from their doctor and finds the most appropriate opportunity during their treatment to fulfill their wish. In many cases, the organization works with other nonprofits, corporations, and companies to help make a child’s wish come true and provide them with a truly unforgettable experience. 

Rohan’s Wish for Artificial Grass

Rohan is one of our many neighbors living in the Chesapeake Bay area. Unfortunately, this sweet little boy was sadly diagnosed with leukodystrophy. This disorder comes in a variety of forms. However, leukodystrophies of any kind are a group of rare genetic disorders. They are characterized by abnormal growth of white matter in the brain that damages the brain’s myelin sheath. This damage can affect the messages sent between the brain and body, which can cause issues with movement, speech, vision, hearing, and mental and physical development.  

As a result of his leukodystrophy diagnosis, Rohan found himself unable to play in his backyard with his family. The rough dirt and uneven surface made it difficult for him to move around with his walker. So when the time came for Rohan to receive a wish from the Make-A-Wish Foundation, he wished for artificial grass for his backyard, so he could have a soft, level surface to freely move around on and play with his father, mother, and sister. 

SYNLawn Chesapeake Bay Delivered 

At SYNLawn Chesapeake Bay, we understand how important it is to have beautiful and usable outdoor green spaces. After all, that’s why we are in the artificial grass business: to help provide our clients in Maryland, Virginia, and Washington D.C. with stunning and durable green spaces. We believe that everyone needs accessible green spaces to admire, unwind, and enjoy, which is why we felt called to help grant Rohan’s wish. 

Along with our friends at Brock USA, our team of synthetic turf installers provided Rohan and his family with a gorgeous, green artificial grass lawn, spanning most of their backyard. This new artificial lawn is equipped with Brock USA’s SP17 XL shock pads, which provide Rohan with greater support for moving around and a safer surface if he falls. On top of this padding sits our SYNAugustine 847 turf, which features low pile-height, close-knit thatch, and ultra-realistic grass blades. Together, Rohan and his family’s new artificial grass lawn is ideal for improving his ability to move around and play outside while remaining safer. 

Wish granted!  

Rhoan's familis backyard with artificial grass

Contact Us Today for More Information on Our Artificial Grass

Artificial grass from SYNLawn Chesapeake Bay provides a soft, level surface for our neighbors in Maryland, Virginia, and Washington D.C. – like Rohan and his family – to enjoy. At SYNLawn Chesapeake Bay, we understand the need for accessible green spaces, which is why we provide artificial turf products that are consistently attractive, low maintenance, soft, and durable. In doing so, children like Rohan can have the inviting, green outdoor space they need to hopefully forget about their problems and simply enjoy being a kid. 

Contact us today to learn more about our high-quality artificial grass and what it can do for you and your family!

Our Playground Turf Is Safe On Many Levels

Yellow slide installed on artificial grass

Keeping your little ones safe is our number one goal and that is exactly why we offer protective padding for our custom designed playground synthetic turf installations. Be ready to catch them with our deep cushioning underlay so when they trip, fall or stumble as they play they land more softly.

Playground protection 24/7

We know it’s not easy keeping track of your active little ones but we can help you stay a step ahead of them with our protective playground surface.

Available for playgrounds and play areas of any size or shape
A SYNLawn Chesapeake Bay artificial playground turf is appropriate for any application from professional child care centers, play parks, schools, all the way to your very own backyard playground.

Check out the playground we custom designed and installed specifically for Golden Path Academy, featuring the safe Envirofill underlay.

Our custom designed and professionally installed playground turf helps support you in your efforts of keeping your little ones as safe during play time.

Reduce microbials, dust and allergies

To go a step further, protect your family by utilizing Envirofill with Microban antibacterial protection that reduces the spread of germs, allergens, irritants, molds and more.

Clean playground surface

No need to worry about grass stains on you or your children with our durable artificial playground turf. And tracking in mud is a thing of the past with our tough and durable synthetic grass playground surface.

Budget friendly and built to last

While keeping your children safe is priceless, our synthetic grass playground surfaces are budget friendly. And the synthetic lawn looks beautiful while protecting those little ones — the lawn stays green and endures for many years even with hours upon hours of the toughest play.

Contact us

At SYNLawn Chesapeake Bay we take your children’s safety seriously, we pride ourselves on delivering a safe and durable playground surface or artificial grass lawn that you and your family will happily enjoy for a long time.

If you are looking for a beautiful play space for you and your family and you want to be proactive in keeping your little ones as safe, give us a call at 443-376-6787 or send us an email for a free quote, we are always happy to help.

Financing Available

0% interest for 12 Months